Please read the description below carefully to get the most out of my excellent services:
This service is for anyone who need the report in any two langauages mentioned below.
Intensive and Detailed Vedic and South Indian Life Time Report available in
- English
- Hindi
- Tamil
- Telugu
- Bengali
- Marathi
- Kannada
- Gujarati
The best and the most Comprehensive, Informative, Intensive and Detailed Life Time report.
Once in a Lifetime, Purchase. Look no further. ( More than 175 Pages)
Your Intensive and Detailed Life Time Report consist of :
- Intensive Birth Chart Details.
- Lifetime Calculations from all Vedic systems.
- Intensive and Detailed Life Time Interpretations and Prediction.
Please see below for full details:
Intensive Birth Chart Details:
- Your Birth chart Calculations.
- Your Birth Chart, Moon Chart and your Navamsha.
- Planetary Details and its strength.
- Bhava Chart and Table.
- Sudarshan Chakra.
- 16 important Divisional Charts.
- Sub- Planets / Upagrahas.
- Planetary Friendships (Natural, compound and temporal )
- Shodasshvarga Summary.
- Detailed Shad Bala and Calculations (Strength and power of planets and their placement )
- Bhava Bala and rankings.
- Aspects of planets and Bhavas.
- Planets and their moods.
Lifetime Calculations from all Vedic systems:
- Ashtakavarga System-Bhinnashtakavarga
- Sarvashtakvarga.
- Sarva Chancha Chakra.
- Ashtakavarga - Reductions.
- Divisional Charts - Ashtakavarga.
- Influence of Grahas on Physiology.
- Vimshottari Mahadasha, Antardashas and Pratyantardashas.
- Ashtottari Mahadasha and Antardashas and Pratyantardashas.
- Yogini Mahadasha and Antardashas.(All Cycles).
- Kala Chakra Mahadasha, Antardashas and Pratyantardashas.
- Jaimini System and its Calculations.
- Jaimini Chara Dasha.
- Sthira Dasha.
- Niryaana Shoola Dasha
- Drug Dasha.
- Navamsha Dasha.
- Narayana Dasha.
- Lagna Kendradi Rashi Dasha.
- Shoola Dasha.
- Tribhagi Mahadasha and Antardashas.
- Shodashottari Mahadasha and Antardashas.
- Dwadashottari Mahadasha and Antardashas.
- Shastihayani Mahadasha and Antardashas.
- Shattrimshatsama Mahadasha and Antardashas.
- Panchottari Mahadasha and Antardashas.
- Satabdika Mahadasha and Antardashas.
- Chaturshitisama Mahadasha and Antardashas.
- Sadhesati of Saturn (All Cycles).
- Laghu Kalyani Dhayya and Kantaka Saturn.
- Krishnamurti Paddhati.
- Krishnamurti Paddhati - Significators.
- Varshaphala Charts.
Intensive and Detailed Life Time Interpretations and Prediction:
- Nature and Temperament
- According to the Shastras.
- According to the Modern Viewpoint.
- Physical Characteristics
- Highly Useful Unique information.
- Detailed Nakshatra Interpretations with remedies.
- Detailed Interpretations of each planet and its house with Auspicious and inauspicious results.
- Detailed Interpretations for Bhavesh ( Placements of planets).
- Consideration of Mangala Dosha.
- Results of Mangala Dosha.
- Remedies to Repel Mangala Dosha.
- Result of Sadhesati.
- Results of the Dhayya of Sadhesati.
- Results of Laghu Kalyani Dhayya and Kantaka Saturn.
- Remedies for Sadhesati of Saturn and Dhayya.
- Recommendations for Gem Stones ( Life stone, Lucky stone and Fortune stone ).
- Applicable Benefic Yogas.
- Applicable Mixed Yogas.
- Applicable Malefic Yogas.
- Detailed Life Interpretation- Personality, your face to the world, inner works, learning and education, what makes you special, how you act, what you love, Health, Family, Romance, People, Career, etc...
- Highly Detailed ongoing Transit Interpretations detailed for two years.
- Highly Detailed current Dasha Interpretations.
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