Please read the description below carefully to get the most out of my excellent services:
What you will get :
1) Detailed Relationship Compatibility Report
2) Two Intensive and Detailed Life Time Report for you and your partner.
3) 30 minute online Consulation.
Service details:
1)Your Relationship Compatibility consist of :
1) Your Birth Chart and Your Partner Birth chart.
2) Your Birth and your Partner Birth chart calculations side by side.
3) Comparison of Planetary Details and its strength.
4) Available Auspicious and Inauspicious planetary ,House ,lordships and nakashra explained.
4) Moon Chart, Navamsha Chart and Ongoing Dasha side by side.
5) Ashtkoot Guna Chart table with points and explaination according to compatability marks.
6) Mangala Dosha Verification for each partner seperately.
7) Results of Mangala Dosha and Remedies to repel them if found for each partner seperately.
8) Cancellations of Mangala Dosha.
9) Dashakoota Guna Chart (Kalaprakashika Method ) covering the ten aspects (Dhinam,Ganam,Mahendhram,stree-Dheergam,yoni,rasi,rasyadhipati,vasyam,rajju,vedhai)
10) Detailed Explanation of all the ten aspects with calculated points and marks system.
Free Gift
Includes Marks Caluclated by BV Raman Method.
2) Intensive and Detailed Vedic and South Indian Life Time Report available in
- English
- Hindi
- Tamil
- Telugu
- Bengali
- Marathi
- Kannada
- Gujarati
The best and the most Comprehensive, Informative, Intensive and Detailed Life Time report.
Once in a Lifetime, Purchase. Look no further. ( More than 175 Pages)
Your Intensive and Detailed Life Time Report consist of :
- Intensive Birth Chart Details.
- Lifetime Calculations from all Vedic systems.
- Intensive and Detailed Life Time Interpretations and Prediction.
3) 30-minute online consultation.
Payment through the website: Paypal, Credit/Debit Card.
Please go to the book online option (Report & Consultation) in the menu to book and make a payment.
Please make sure the details provided by you are accurate.
Please use the form second time to fill in your partner details.
Please click here to provide details for your report and Service confirmation.
The report and the link for consultation will be delivered to you within 24 hours.
Many Thanks